Sanford Imagenetics

Integrating genetic medicine into everyday care

ImagineYou: Genetic Screening Study

ImagineYou is a genetic screening research study brought to you by Sanford Health. The program helps you understand how your DNA impacts your health and aims to help improve access to more personalized health care, while supporting new research discoveries for our community.

There is no cost to participate and health insurance is not required.

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Free Pharmacogenomics (PGx) testing for Veterans

Sanford Imagenetics is proud to offer free pharmacogenomics (PGx) panels testing to veterans and active military patients.

Everyone responds to medications differently. Sometimes these differences are due to genetic causes. PGx testing examines your genetics to understand how your body may respond to certain medications.

Learn if You’re Eligible

Meet Jeff Carlson

Jeff had been placed on blood thinners following several stent placements. He visited with his doctor about genetic testing to see which medications worked best for his body. After receiving his results, Jeff’s doctor switched him to a more effective medication.

Meet Karl Vanderlugt

Through genetic testing, Karl learned his body doesn’t produce a protein that removes bad cholesterol.  “I knew I had high cholesterol and they tried to put me on a diet to control it, but it didn’t control it. Now I know why,” Vanderlugt said. Karl also discovered a medication he should avoid.

Read Karl’s Story

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